Tuesday, January 10, 2012

BDE and Windows 7, 32 and 64 bits

I know, I know... BDE is discontinued and stuff. But many people still need BDE running in new Windows 7 32 and 64 machines. Here is a working Setup for BDE (the latest version released by Borland) plus all SQL Links.
  • Installs BDE + all SQL Links
  • During setup there is an option to remove previous BDE registry entries.If you have an old corrupted BDE installation, maybe this option can fix it (It will remove EVERYTHING below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine registry entry, and you have been warned!).
  • This setup was tested and works perfectly under Windows 2000, 2003 Server, XP, 2008 Server, Vista and Seven, 32 and 64 bits.
  • The setup correctly prompts for UAC elevation. By the way, it was created using Jordan Russell's excellent installer creator Inno Setup (also created with Delphi)!

Download BDE Setup in English:

Download BDE Setup in brazilian portuguese:

Note: During last months the number of downloads increased a LOT. Some users were receiving messages like "bandwidth limit exceeded". Now I have upgraded my host service plan, so you can easily download it!Enjoy! :-)

Some user gave a false alert about malware/trojan/virus/whatever inside the files. According to VirusTotal (http://www.virustotal.com) this is completely untrue.
Latest scan report of this file: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/7d37616710f8d5da8d2f859560814fd89b22aef7b6fb47902161bc9f7289145a/analysis/

In short: 0 detections!

Please feel free to re-submit it ;-)

PS: Rene Nussbaum, from Germany wrote me asking about the setup license model/type. Well... This setup is 100% free including its usage in commercial software. You can include this setup in your deployment package, and you can also redistribute it.

Enjoy! :-)


Guedes said...

Muito Obrigado!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
I will test it on Windows Server 2008 for terminal user.
Does it work?
Have a nice day!


Alexandre Caldas Machado said...

You're welcome. I've successfully used this install in Win 2008 servers. If you have any issues, please let me know.


Jorge Junior said...

Olá! Tentei baixar o arquivo e recebi a mensagem de banda excedida ("Bandwidth Limit Exceeded").
Há a possibilidade de você subir esse arquivo em outro lugar e disponibilizar? Desde já muito obrigado!

Don Wiid said...

Thanks for posting this. Unfortunately I executed a "group by" query and while it runs, it returns zero records.

On a 32-bit machine with "proper" BDE installed, the app works fine.

On a 64-bit machine with the minimal BDE install, it fails.

Gustavo List said...


Quando tento baixar o arquivo recebo a mensagem:

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

Tem algum outro link que posso estar pegando o arquivo?


Bilgisayar Dunyasi said...


Leandro "Vacili" Reis said...

Muitíssimo obrigado meu amigo

StevenHealey said...

BIG Thank you.

A client asked for updates to some BDE software I wrote 13 years ago.

Having upgraded my kit to Windows 7 I was struggling.

Now everything works :)


Rony said...

I have tried install bde on windows 2008 R2 64 bit. then i tried connect to my oracle 11g database but there is an error " cannot load an idapi library : sqlora8.dll".
how to fix this

Anonymous said...

I have exactly the same problem as Rony with Windows 7 x64 Enterprise. Im using Oracle 10g ( and BDE error occurs " cannot load an idapi library : sqlora8.dll".

Sergio said...

Muito obrigado! Gastei um tempão procurando por isso até chegar no seu blog. Eu tenho vários softwares feitos para WXP que estou tendo que migrar para W7. Um abraço.

Anonymous said...


this solution might "save my life" but unfortunately I can't download your Installation package...

I keep getting the following message: Bandwidth Limit Exceeded.

Can you help me?

Anonymous said...

Algum outro link? Este servidor está fora do ar.

Alexandre Caldas Machado said...

Hi guys, thanks for the interest.

I've upgraded my host service, so you will be able to download it without getting that PITA "bandwidth limit exceeded" messages :-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I was able to download... :-)

adeptus said...

Just FYI: I used your informations (and you download) in an own blog-post. I hope its okay...

BDE, Paradox and Windows 7

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

I have Delphi 7 application on BDE 5.01. It works on windows 2000 but it does not work in Windows 7.
I have Windows x64 and Office 2010 x32.

I downloaded your BDE 5.2 then downloaded MS access engine for 32bit from microsoft. Now I can see my Access DB from BDE no issue there. Also I set my aliases up in BDE.

It gives dbierr_Unknown error when it is loading up.

Also I use Titan component for Btrieve connection for some reports.

Any suggestions...

Thanks in advance...

Liliane said...

Após instalar o BDE p/windows 7, recebo a seguinte msg. de erro qdo tento acessar o programa q preciso utilizar: "unknown database Alias: autsuper" e o programa não abre. Vc. pode me ajudar? Baixei o BDE pq usava um programa de assistencia técnica no win xp, e agora mudei p/o windows 7 e ele sempre dava erro no BDE, e agora o q pode ser? Obrigada, Liliane

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much!

I have a several year old app that needs to work on Win 8. Had load of problems getting it to work. Win 8 wouldn't even let me run my old install kit. It wasn't a permissions or compatibility issue. It just said I couldn't run that program here. Annoying!

So, I tried downloading BDE's at other sources. No luck. They either wouldn't install or wouldn't work. Your's was the only one that worked and it worked beautifully!

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Thank you this worked great for Paradox ODBC in Win 7 -took me a day and half to finally fix.

Thanks a million for help :)

Anonymous said...

Hi I tried to install bde and via ssis package i was able to load from paradox db to sql server. It works fine on 32 bit but not on 64 bit . Can you please help.
I am trying to install on 64 bit windows 2008 .

jonno said...


I have installed it and there is nothing in my registry regarding Borland (wasnt before the install either)

Any ideas?

Alexandre Caldas Machado said...

Hi Jonno,

Did you receive any error message? Did you try to check the option to remove any previous installation (this option will in fact remove EVERYTHING BDE related from the system Registry).

Alexandre Caldas Machado said...

@Anonymous with Win 2008 x64: I will try to install in one clean Win 2008 x64 machine and let you know ok?

Daniel said...

Alexandre, what is in this download exactly? I've noticed the 4GBPatch directory. Is this some kind of hack? Can you explain what problem it is resolving and how? =) Thank you, Daniel

Alexandre Caldas Machado said...

Hi Daniel, What do you mean by "4GBPatch" directory? I believe that the setup does NOT create any any 4GBPatch directory... The setup is what it means to be: A BDE v setup for Win Vista/7/2008 mainly, creted by me, once Borland/Embarcadero no longer provides such. If you have any doubts about the "nature" of this program, please submit it to www.virustotal.com, otherwise, just don't use it ;-)

Anonymous said...

remember to launch bde admin with administrator rights (right click, run as...)

Anonymous said...

Oracle won´t work with it. Same error as with the standard BDE installer: Cannot load an IDAPI service library, File: SQLORA8.DLL
!!! PLEASE HELP !!! Very urgent !!!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone succeed to have Delphi/BDE run On Win 7 64 Bits with Oracle?
I am struggling having the error Cannot load IDAPI or OCI.DLL on Win 7.

On the other hand, I managed to make it work on Windows XP 64 Bit with registry key changes for DLLPath and CONFIGFILE01

Alexandre Caldas Machado said...

Hi, are you sure that latest BDE (5.2) supports your Oracle version? In some cases the issue is not related to correct BDE installation, but BDE just won't support your client library file...

Anonymous said...

Hello, I had the same fault message 'Cannot load IDAPI'. But I managed to make it work. First I ran Setup_BDE52.zip, but I changed the install directory so that is wasn't installed in c:\program files(x86) but in c:\Borland Shared. Then I copied from my old XP system the sqlora8.dll and sqlora32.dll files into the c:\Borland Shared\BDE directory. Then I changed the parameters for native oracle with the BDE Administrator. This worked for me.

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias por este aporte.
Estoy tratando de crear mi propio instalador y no logro hacerlo funcionar en 32-bit. Podrias adjuntar el archivo iss del instalador BDE?
Gracias de antemano. Saludos

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment, be installing it   and proves with oracle 11g x64

American said...

Hello. He installed it on WIN 7 x64 with ORACLE 11g x64 but open message "Cannot load IDAPI" service library File: SQLORA8.DLL. The client-server is Application. If someone solved this problem I would appreciate your response. Bye

Anonymous said...

Hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass es so einfach funktioniert!
Habe eine Paradox Datenbank aus dem Jahr 1996 nun wieder unter Windows7 - 64bit am Laufen.
Vielen Dank für dies Info.

Steve K said...

Works like a charm!! Thank you!

I am trying to port a decades-old but still-in-use dBase photo archive of many thousands of pictures to Win7, and your BDE brought in from 'dead' to 'feasible'.

THANKS A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

One serious problem remains: The original special chars, in my case mainly the German so-called umlauts, i.e. 'ö', 'Ä' etc., are replaced by nonsensical characters.

In DOSBox everything works properly unter Win7. When I display the same data with my BDE application, the special chars are garbled.

I have no idea where and how to intervene, except perhaps byte-edit the original databases ;-). I tried creating an autoexec.nt with 'LH KB16 GR,,%Systemroot%\system32\keyboard.sys', but to no avail.

Any ideas would be seriously, greatly appreciated... if you wanted, you could email me at bdemail.15.yggdrasil@spamgourmet.com

With best regards from cold Germany,

Steve K.

Chelo said...

Just installed on W7 64 bits, Delphi 5 with dbf tables and work perfectly!

Man, I really appreciate your work. Thanks for ever!

Unknown said...

I'm trying to access the paradox database from Microsoft ODBC drivers where i was able to do only the reading but i'm not able to insert and update the records. Can u plz guide me how can do tat w.r.t BDE and ODBC drivers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alexandre,
i have a random error 2501 in bde running on win7 & win8 64bit
i try to download you BDE but i suppose that you remove the zip file. How i can recevice it?

thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

O link para download parece com problemas. Está fora do ar?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
does this package include the bugfix for the so-called "4GB problem"?
The problem occures when the free disc space of the hard drive containing the database comes very close to a multiple of 4 GB. The BDE will report "not enough disc space", although there is plenty of free space. We had a bugfix for this (some patched bdeker.dll and idapi32.dll), but it worked only on Windows XP and now we are looking for a working bugfix for Windows 7.

Ian Robinson said...

This file is very useful indeed, thank you. When it moves the BDE installation to c:\bde32 folder it changes the BDE default .CFG file to idapi32.dll which I then have to modify. Is there any way to make it retain the original CFG file ?

Anonymous said...

I migrated from D5 to D7 due to malfunction of BDE. Now, in SEVEN 32bit, new errors of mulfunctions... Now, I've found the BDE52 in this site: thank you to be, I'll try the new release and I hope... I'll let you know the outcome... Thanks and an Happy New Year!!!
Antonio Bianca

Unknown said...

Quando executo meu aplicativo, recebo a mensagem "Network initialization failed. File: C:\PDOXUSRS.NET". Pode me ajudar ?
Obrigado. Murilo P. Rosa.

Anonymous said...

The download link seems to be broken, is there a new link?

drjp81 said...

Hi, what if we need to deploy this silently? The Directory dialog still appears?

Unknown said...

If a problem with x64 systems looks at:

BDE-Setting x64 v.3.15

drjp81 said...

@Andy Kolb: Malware detected on link

Alexandre Caldas Machado said...

@JP Lizzote: There is no malware or virus on this setup. Please download it and test against some reliable source. I recommend you to submit it to http://www.virustotal.com.

drjp81 said...

@Alexandre Caldas Machado
Sorry, that was about the link that Andy Kolb put, not yours.

Anonymous said...

The simplest solution is to copy the BDE dll into application folder.
I have an archive with all DLL used by BDE. Everytime I need to run an BDE application on a PC, I simply copy those dlls in app. folder.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this, it got me out of a really tight spot with an old application in South Africa.
Muito Obrigado, Alexandre.

Ivanilson Ribeiro said...

Olá Alexandre, parabens pelo sucesso do teu instalador. Teria como disponibilizar os fontes no inno para usarmos em nossos aplicativos?
Desde já agradeço.

Ivanilson Ribeiro
SENIOR Delphi Developer.

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias !!

Unknown said...

Olá primeiramente obrigado pelo seu post. Sou programador iniciante, e tenho uma aplicação em C++ de uso próprio que rodava perfeitamente no W7 32bits. Instalei o W7 64 e parou de funcionar, recebe a mensagem driver not know to system. Estou utilizando o mysql odbc connector 64bits. Essa setup sua deveria resolver esse problema ou não? Você poderia me dar algumas dicas para resolver isso?


Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!
I will test it on Windows 7 Pro K.

Bert said...

If you get the error " cannot load an idapi library : sqlora8.dll", when using the BDE to connect to Oracle on a 64bit Windows: use the 32bit Oracle client. BDE is 32bit and cannot load the 64bit OCI.DLL from the 64bit Client.

Anonymous said...

could you please attach inno setup script.... if possible.

Thanks a lot, nice job.

Anonymous said...

Dear Alexandre, MANY, MANY, MANY THANKS :-)
You solved a small, but BIG problem !!!
Federico - Italy

Anonymous said...

I have tried this with Win 8.1 64 bit, Oracle 11g 64bit, but still appears "Cannot load an idapi library : sqlora8.dll". Please HELP.

Unknown said...

I just downloaded and ran the setup, and the BDE About still shows version 5.01, not Did I do something wrong?

Jordi Lagares Roset said...

I've just install it in Windows 7 with a Delphi 3 software. It works fine.
Thank you very very much :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thank you so much for this update.
I would like to ask though, if a program is compiled using this BDE on Win8, will there be problems if it was run on a local computer with the older installed BDE version? It seems to post a "capability not supported" error until I installed this version of yours.
Does it mean the compiled program in this newer BDE is incompatible with the older BDE?

I look forward to your reply.

Anonymous said...

Used it in a retail environment using windows 7 64bit. Thanks for your post. Working Great!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to introduce something good to you, my dear friend. As you mentioned above, I want to tell you how you can get a valid and legal key. The answer is in www.cdekey.com, you can buy what you want and it's 100% genuine. Pirated versions never exist in this place. You will definitely share vanskeys with your own friends because it's just too fantastic!

Unknown said...

hi everybody
can anybody help please im in a pickle i have a small bussiness and had an IT install BDE togehter with my accounting software….
that IT is now missing in action
i got other It to install all this on a new pc but the problem is that he cannot connect through BDE because when he opens BDE Administrator to configure it is password protected
i read hundreds of posts and nothing
all help will be highly appreciated

Leslie said...

@John Fleischer:

I have tried to post here many times but the author (or someone else) is blocking my posts. So I'll be brief

(1) delete the existing BDE folder, and then
(2) download a proper and LEGAL BDE installer via this link: http://www.all2ezy.com/download/BDE/BDE_with_SQL_Links.zip

Unknown said...

ok ill try it thanks will get back to you today.

Flávio da Silva said...

Cara, Nova Zelândia é muito longe.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

There are many options of windows 7 product keys for windows 7 in: www.cdekey.com,you can go to choose one.

bungandy said...

Hi, im helping to create alt download link https://mineral-static.s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/apps/windows/Setup_BDE52.zip

You're welcome :)

Unknown said...

Valid/updated download link from the author?

Unknown said...

Hi there

The download links seem not to be working - would be great if you could fix! Thanks

Unknown said...

Thanks Burgandy I've installed & got it working on windows 7 and ten
Steps I took
- Installed from CD rom
- Copied the domesday.ini config file (from the install folder) to version 1.1 file
- It installs to C:\program files (x86)\domesday explorer version 1.1 .ini file is set to C:\program files\domesday explorer so if you overwrite the .ini file it fixes that issue.
- Once you've done that copy the verison 1.1 over the top of the installation folder (with admin rights)
- then install the Setup_BDE52

Works first time everytime :D for me anyway.

jib hubagu said...

I know, Windows 7 is the best OS ever, Where nobody face any issue being used it as a professional activated version with full features, For which you can get product key from: http://cheaproduct.com

Loopanyway said...

2023 an i still need the bde engine...

And I can understand that the download link is inactive...

LM said...

@loopanyway use this installer http://www.all2ezy.com/download/BDE/BDE_with_SQL_Links.zip
which resolves many issues including the patches for the 2GB and 4GB diskspace issue.